Travelling to Brazil for FIFA World Cup 2014? Ensure you are protected!
This year in June and July, FIFA World Cup Soccer will be hosted in 12 cities in Brazil. If you are planning to attend you will to ensure a safe and healthy trip. Expect large crows which increases risk of accidental injury as well as colds, flu and gastrointestinal problems. Measles are spread easily during a large gathering, therefore it is important to ensure routine immunizations are up to date. Travellers are advised to use proper hygiene, as well as food and water practices for protection against gastrointestinal illnesses. Immunizations can reduce the severity of illness. Insect precautions should be used day and night, you should seek travel health advice to learn more about Malaria, Dengue Fever and Yellow Fever risk areas. Stay well hydrated and use sun protection measures. Traffic related accidents are very common in Brazil ensure seat belts are worn in all vehicles, and helmets are worn when riding mopeds, motorcycles or bicycles.
For further information for travelers to the FIFA World Cup seek travel health advise a minimum of 4-6 weeks before departure. The Nova Travel Health and Immunization Clinic will ensure you are up to date on all immunizations, will write prescriptions required for malaria or travelers diarrhea and advise you on illnesses that cannot be prevented by vaccination.