Sarcocystosis in Malaysia
The Center for disease control has received reports of patients with suspected acute muscular sarcocystosis from travelers in March and April 2014 to Tioman Island in Malaysia.
Sarcocystosis is spread through food, water and soil contaminated with infected animal feces. Symptoms occur from two forms of the disease; one causes diarrhea and the other may include muscle pain, fever, headache, joint and neck pain. Many people have mild symptoms or no symptoms. Travellers described symptom onset at 1- 2 weeks after leaving the island.
There is no vaccine to prevent sarcocystosis. Travellers are advised not to touch or feed animals, not to touch animal droppings, avoid contaminated soil, use food and water safety precautions, if swimming avoid water in the mouth, eyes or nose. Use proper hygiene at all times ( ie wash hands regularly with safe water and soap and use sanitizer).