Travelling to Cuba,Domincan Republic, Haiti or Mexico? Ensure you are aware of cholera
Cholera is an intestinal infection caused by eating or drinking contaminated food or water. Symptoms include acute onset of watery diarrhea and rapid dehydration ; these symptoms can be life threatening.
A cholera epidemic has been occurring since October 2010 in the Dominican and Haiti. Although cases have decreased in 2013 compared to 2012 they continue to be reported an increase during seasons with heavy rain.
No new cases have been reported in Cuba since August 2013 however the situation continues to be monitored for suspected cases.
Heavy rain and floods in 2013 in Mexico caused an increase of reported cholera cases in Mexico City, states of Hildalgo, San Luis Potosi and Veracruz.
Travellers to these areas are recommended to seek travel health advise a minimum of 4-6 weeks prior to travel to learn about safe food and water practices. There is a vaccine to help protect you against cholera and e-coli, it is called Dukoral. To learn more visit the Nova Travel Health and Immunization Clinic!
If you develop severe diarrhea and/or vomiting while travelling or once you return home, seek medical attention. To prevent dehydration use oral rehydration salts.